Just for fun

Victoria Day - Celebrating the Long Weekend

Summoning the summer with the long weekend!

As the flowers bloom and the temperature rises, Canadians across the country eagerly anticipate the arrival of Victoria Day weekend. This holiday, celebrated on the Monday before May 25th, marks the unofficial start of summer. Whether you're planning a backyard barbecue, a lakeside retreat, or a city exploration, Victoria Day offers countless opportunities to create lasting memories with friends and family.

  1. Plan Outdoor Activities: With the arrival of warmer weather, Victoria Day weekend is the perfect time to embrace the outdoors. Whether you love nature or simply enjoy soaking up the sun, there are plenty of activities to choose from. Consider planning a picnic in the park, a hike along scenic trails, or a bike ride through your neighborhood. And if you’re looking for a spring soundtrack we’ve got the perfect playlist!

  2. Host a Backyard Barbecue: Nothing says Victoria Day like firing up the grill and hosting a backyard barbecue. Invite friends and family over for an afternoon of good food, drinks, and conversation. From classic burgers and hot dogs to grilled vegetables and seafood, there are endless options to satisfy everyone's taste buds. Stock up on beverages through Ship & Sip ahead of time to keep the fun going! 

  3. Explore Local Festivities: Many communities across Canada host special events and festivities to commemorate Victoria Day. From fireworks displays to parades and concerts, there's no shortage of entertainment options to choose from. Check your local listings to see what's happening in your area and plan a day of exploration and celebration. 

Whether you're enjoying outdoor adventures, hosting a backyard barbecue, or exploring local festivities, there are countless ways to make the most of this long weekend!

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Gemini Drink-O-Scope

Embrace your duality this Gemini season!